come and collect
Angel in a bed of flowers. Head floating—- detached.

Angel in a bed of flowers. Head floating—- detached.


Angelica Johnson.

My head is floating in a bush of flowers. It wouldn’t be the first time my head was not attached to my body. I find myself drifting away from the mundanes of life to build new worlds and to examine my own.

I am Angelica Johnson—- or Angel since we’re family now. Welcome to AngelsArchives! Since you have become invested in my thoughts or maybe my pictures; here are a couple of things about me.

I am a writer that never writes. I guess I’m more of a thinker that thinks about writing. I graduated from Spelman College in 2019 and by the fall of that year found myself in New York City. I am adjusting to the city life and finding ways that remind me home. Recently it has been fried chicken and biscuits. You guessed it. I am a southerner. Born in rural Georgia and raised a little bit south of Atlanta.

My goal for this site is to write, connect and grow AngelsArchives into a meaningful and insightful project. I’m glad you have decided to join me on this journey.

Alright now, I ain’t not gon’ hold ya!

I’ll talk to y’all later <3





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